Wesley Michael Jolly

The exploits, achievments, and mishaps of a young Jolly boy...

Friday, December 18, 2009


Jen just took little dude to the doctor's... He developed a nasty
sounding cough overnight (had a little cough before, but didn't seem
that bad). When Jen went to hang with him in the wee hours after he
cried out, but unlike his normal self, he just laid there all
pitifully... So, we took his temperature this AM. 102. Side note -- I
think thermometers are a little weird sometimes, 'cause we took it twice
and the second time was a little less than that, but....

Gave 'im some tylenol and scheduled a sick visit.

Temperature came down by the time we were done feeding him some
breakfast. He seemed much more himself (but still obviously not 100%)
during breakfast.

Anyway -- the doctor said he's got two ear infections and _possibly_ the

Jen just headed out to fill his prescription.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Whoops -- Slacking on Tooth Posts

So back on the 17th, I noted that it looked like his first upper tooth was poking through. I didn't even say which one it was ;)

It was the left lateral incisor -- or as we affectionally called it, his "snaggle tooth" ;)

Here's where I show off my slackness though... I... don't know when the next tooth came in. It was sometime around the middle of November. Of course, the funny part of it is that it was the other "snaggle tooth", making him look like a dragon (in Olivia's words).

Then he got a birthday present -- his left central incisor poked through. And today his other central incisor peeked through.

Here's to hoping we remember to note the next one! ;)